ABC Case Study: School of Education

Helen Childerhouse – School of Education – Senior Lecturer/Programme Leader – Staff Profile

The School of Education have used the ABC workshops several times over the past few years to help develop and enhance their curriculum offering. Helen Childerhouse has written up her account of how they have used ABC and how this has helped and supported their staff and students.

Why did you need a curriculum design workshop?

The undergraduate programmes that we run had only been delivered once in their entirety and, during this time new colleagues have joined the team.  This along with the impact on Covid-19 on our provision prompted significant changes and the need for review.  The curriculum design workshop provides a good opportunity to take a step back and consider the broader programme tweaks and developments, whilst also reviewing the individual modules.

The sessions were run by the Digital Engagement Team were important because they enabled the team to reflect together and respond to the structured stimulus the design workshop provides.  As programme lead, I wanted to avoid implementing, or expecting the implementation of ideas, without team discussion and the Digital Education teams support with this was valuable.  There are multiple benefits that the workshop provided to help provide the opportunity to have a structured and broad range of considerations which ensured a comprehensive reflection process about the programme took place.

How did ABC curriculum design support your school?

The curriculum design tool that was used is the most up-to-date and user friendly platform that I am aware of in terms of curriculum design and review.  The breadth of considerations that the workshop provides, are important in helping us consider the broad range of aspects essential to writing and developing the modules; and also for ensuring they meet the programme requirements. 

The workshops provided opportunities for group discussions with module leaders and it was also possible to consider cross-module impact and needs and also progression through the three years. The increased need (and awareness of the tools and approaches available)  for blended learning have been improved as a result of this support.

How easy was it to use ABC?

The updated online format was extremely easy to use and accessible. We were very happy with the support we were given and were very grateful for the Digital Education teams support before, during and after the ABC workshop to help us shape it to meet our needs.

What benefits has your school gained because of ABC?

The workshop has give us:

  • Shared understanding of modules, equity across the modules for expectation and delivery to students.
  • Greater awareness of the breadth of module design. 
  • Greater ownership for the module leaders. 
  • Highly effective tools within the ABC to support the process.