Assessing Class Participation with Talis Elevate (blog)

Dr. Joss Winn, School of Education, College of Social Science – Staff Profile

This video within this blog was originally taken from the DigiED: Futures held on the 30th March 2022. Below you can find the abstract for the session plus the corresponding video.


I started teaching a new Sociology of Education module to third year undergraduates in October 2020. Originally, the assessment was 100% written exam, but I needed to make changes to the assessment in light of the pandemic. I decided to divide the module assessment into class participation (30%) and a written essay (70%). Having read some literature on assessing class participation I found one article that was particularly helpful (Bean and Peterson, 1998). Following a return to face-to-face teaching, I have retained the class participation assessment as a way of encouraging student engagement both during and outside of class. In this presentation I will reflect on my approach to assessing student participation, the benefits and challenges for both teachers and students, and in particular the use of Talis Elevate alongside a number of other tools.