New AI courses

CPD available to book

The Digital Education team has developed a range of courses for staff to support development. Book via MyView

Find out more more on our events page

A.I. Toolkit

Digital Education have developed an AI Toolkit to provide policies and guidance and to help support the use of AI across the University.

Click here to access the AI Toolkit

Turnitin's A.I. writing detection

In response to the recent emergence of AI tools, Turnitin have now released a new A.I. detection service within Feedback Studio

Click here to access guidance on this feature

Events & Training

Please find a short list of our upcoming CPD & events below. To see a full list of events and to find out more information please visit our events page

Organisation & Management (individual)
  • 10:30 am
Click here to view event (web)
Blackboard Ultra: Building & Developing
  • 10:00 am
Click here to view event (web)
Blackboard Ultra : Assessing & Engaging
  • 2:00 pm
Click here to view event (web)