Digital Education


Outline of session: This session focusses on using the office 365 suite to more effectively plan, organise and manage your workload. All of the content in this session is focused on how you can manage your own work individually. Please...

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Outline of session: This hands-on in person workshop will give staff an overview of Black board Ultra, one of the Universities Virtual Learning Environments (VL E) and how to prepare your site ready for teaching. It is suitable for staff...

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Outline of session:   This hands-on in person session will give an introduction to the assessments tools and engagement tools built into Blackboard Ultra.  This session will provide an overview of how to use some key features of Blackboard Ultra as...

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Outline of session: This session will give you an introduction to our lecture recording system, Panopto. This tool is used to record your screen, camera and presentations during live lecture sessions or can be used to create micro lectures and...

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Outline of session:   This session will introduce key features of Microsoft (MS) Teams and will outline how these features can be utilised in your teaching. Features covered in this session will include breakout groups, accessibility, live interaction on documents and creative ways to...

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Outline of session: This session will focus on using core tools within our digital ecosytem to design effective tests. This will include looking at the use of Blackboard Ultra’s built in tests, how to design questions and creating tests to...

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Session outline: This short session is designed to support administrators with using Blackboard Ultra for their colleges/schools. It will focus on some core elements: Accessing the admin panel of blackboard and features you can use it for Enrolling staff to...

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Outline of session:   This session will cover a basic approach to assessment and rubric design as well as focusing on how to implement this through Turnitin, the set-up of assessments & options available, how students submit and how you can access these...

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Outline of the session:    This session will take a teach and try approach to planning and creating a range of learning activities that enrich students’ experience both synchronously and asynchronously. We will consider the importance of aligning synchronous and asynchronous...

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Outline of session: A.I is developing and at the University we want to use this tool effectively and ethically. This practical session is suitable for all staff at the university and designed to be a good starting point for using...

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