Improved Engagement in Online Peer-Review Activities Supporting Assessment (conference)

Dr Ellie Davison – Foundation Studies Centre – Foundation Year Senior Leturer – Staff Profile

This video within this blog was originally taken from the Future of Blended Learning Conference held on the 24th March 2021. Below you can find the abstract for the session plus the corresponding video.

Pre-recorded Flipped Presentation

Live session on the day


Student engagement with peer review and critique activities, to support academic writing assessments, has increased since moving the face-to-face sessions online with digital enhancements from Talis Elevate and Turnitin PeerMark.

Students are first guided through a synchronous learning activity, critiquing an example submission as a group using Talis Elevate. Students have the option of using the anonymous commenting feature to encourage engagement and comments can be threaded and nested to allow for a dialogue, with lecturers able to add comments to prompt discussion and clarify areas of uncertainty. The evaluation skills developed are then applied to an asynchronous peer-feedback activity facilitated through Turnitin PeerMark, providing and receiving anonymous feedback through a series of scaffolded questions that link directly to the marking rubric.