Surfacing the student voice: Discussion boards

Discussion boards provide a simple platform for students to critique, reflect, synthesise knowledge, and build a learning community with their peers and tutors. As such, they can provide efficient and powerful asynchronous learning opportunities. The discussions usually takes the form of looking at: conceptual understanding, evaluation, and analysis or tasks that help students apply knowledge within practice.



  • Monitoring engagement – Engagement with discussion boards is an easy way to recognise how active your students are and how often they are contributing their views/thoughts.
  • Assess level of understanding – Students’ responses to theoretical, conceptual or reflective questions will give an indication of their progress and understanding, and allow the opportunity to provide feedback.
  • Build and maintain the learning community –Opportunity for social learning in an asynchronous way and provides a sense of connection to the group and tutors to reduce feelings of isolation when learning online.
Using discussion boards to enhance your teaching

We have collated a wide range of tips and ideas in conjunction with Dr Kelly Sisson, including managing your workload whilst using discussion boards. These can be found in the link below.

Encouraging Students in the Online Classroom – Discussion boards | Digital Education Support Site | Web