Surfacing the student voice: Padlet

As a simple to use, low entry activity, Padlet provides a virtual space online which works similarly to a virtual post-it note board and can be used asynchronously to gather information, opinions or to start a discussion from the students before a main synchronous session. This online resource can be a useful way of finding working with students to analyse and evaluate key theories/concepts which allows students to be aware of each other’s discussions to inform their own thinking.



  • Can be used either for short-term collection of data or on an ongoing basis.
  • Gather a wide variety of inputs for students to share knowledge (generating a resource for later use).
  • Can be used to identify key concepts and used to start a further discussion in class.
  • Useful for structuring conversations/opinions i.e. debates or topic areas.
Using Padlet to support virtual studying

Charlotte Bailey from the National Centre for Food Manufacturing used Padlet to allow her work-based distance learners to engage outside of their synchronous session. She also used it as a way of breaking up the main lecture into short didactic teaching moments followed by input from students.

Charlotte Bailey (NCFM) | Using Padlet to Support Virtual Studying | Blog