Reflecting upon lessons of ‘what works’: Developing student engagement and partnerships (conference)

Dr Kate Strudwick – Dean of the Lincoln Academy of Learning and Teaching – Staff Profile

This video within this blog was originally taken from the Future of Blended Learning Conference held on the 24th March 2021. Below you can find the abstract for the session plus the corresponding pre-recorded flipped presentation and live video.

Pre-recorded Flipped Presentation

Live session on the day


This session will present some of the lessons learnt from student engagement initiatives, within and outside of the curriculum.  By reflecting upon established practice from over a decade, dialogue and conversations can be developed on what works, why such schemes were successful and explore what we can learn from each other.  When responding to current challenges in HE there are many benefits to sharing experiences of good practice, these can allow for the development of partnerships and collaborative projects between students and academics, and have the potential for developments in a blended learning environment.