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This is the Turnitin section of the Resources Hub. This page will give you an overview of the tool, links to help and support guide, frequently asked questions and related articles/videos.
Turnitin is the leading provider of text-matching software, designed to support students with their academic writing and assist in the detection of plagiarism. Turnitin is fully integrated into Blackboard and is the recommended method for student submissions of text based assignments. Below are some features of Turnitin:
- Originality Check – The originality Report is generated follwiing a comparison between the text of submission against a database and will highligh text which matches entries in their database
- GradeMark Digital Assessment – GradeMark allows instructors to quickly grade and provide feedback on Student’s submissions
- PeerMark – PeerMark enables instructors to allow students to read, review and evaluate each others work.
IMPORTANT: If using the Turnitin LTI, you MUST manually hide the column in Grade Centre to avoid mark leakage.
Resources & Guides
- Accessing Previous Turnitin Assessments and Submissions from the Web
- Accessing Turnitin Assignments for Marking (non-LTI Turnitin)
- Amending the Due Date after Assignment Creation
- Creating a Turnitin Assignment – Blackboard Original
- Creating Rubrics within Turnitin
- Differences between the new Turnitin LTI integration and the ‘Basic’ integration
- Introduction to Turnitin
- Reporting on ‘Non-Submissions’ when Anonymous Marking
- Turnitin Assignments – Overview and Context
- Utilising the Rubric Templates on Turnitin
- Printing the Instructor Feedback report on Turnitin
- QUICK TIP: Emailing students with non-submissions on Turnitin
- QUICK TIP: Exporting Rubric Files (.rbc) from Turnitin
- QUICK TIP: Filtering Turnitin submissions by group
- QUICK TIP: Submitting to Turnitin on a Student’s Behalf
- QUICK TIP: Uploading Rubric Files (.rbc) to Turnitin