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Creating Blackboard Assignment Submission Points

This helpsheet details the steps involved in creating a Blackboard Assignment submission point. Blackboard Assignment submission points allow students to make multi file submissions. If unsure whether to use Turnitin or Blackboard, contact the Digital Education team.

A visual representation of the steps involved appears below.

A flowchart to show the steps for creating a Blackboard submission point. From left to right: Check the Total Column is hidden in the grade centre, create a Blackboard assignment submission point, hide the column in the grade centre, manually unhide the column on marks release day.

Step 1: Hiding the Total column in Grade Centre

To remove the possibility of grade leakage, you need to ensure the Total Column is hidden in Grade Centre.

  1. Go to Full Grade Centre on your Blackboard site and hide the Total Column by clicking the chevron next to Total.
A screenshot of the Total Column in the full grade centre. The chevron arrow is shown next to the column title, the expanded menu shows the Edit Column Information option.
  1. On the next screen, scroll down to the Options section. Change Show this Column to Students to No. Settings should be as in the image below. Click Submit.
A screenshot of the Edit Column Information menu for the Total Column in the Grade Centre. The option to make available to students is set to No.
  1. The column should now look like this with a red line next to a green tick.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Grade Centre, the Total Column is shown with a grey circle that contains a red line strike through, this shows the column is hidden from students.

Step 2: Creating the Blackboard Assignment submission point

  1. Go to the Assessments section on the Blackboard module site.
  2. Click Assessments and Assignments.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Assessments page on a Module Site. The Assessments tab is expanded and a red box highlights the Assignment option in the drop down list.
  1. Give your Assignment title a clear name and add instructions.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. A title and instructions box are shown.
  1. If needed, attached any relevant files and rubrics. Avoid duplication with other instructions on the site or creating areas of confusion for students. Set the Due Date.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. An attach files tab is shown, with browser my computer and browse content store listed as options, the due date is also shown with a date and time field.
  1. Set the points possible to 100 and open up each of the expanding sections in blue.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. A points possible box is shown at 100, and three further details menus are listed: submission details, grading options and display of grades.
  1. For Submission details, it is recommended to have the settings as detailed below.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. The submission details tab is shown, three options are listed for assignment type: individual, group and portfolio. Three drop down menus are shown: number of attempts, maximum attempts and score attempt using.
  • Individual Submission means students submit on behalf of themselves.
  • Number of attempts should be set to Multiple and a maximum of three attempts. This is to allow students to resubmit quickly if they submit in error without needing to contact module leaders or ICT. It is envisaged most students will submit only once.
  • Last Graded Attempt needs to be selected for the final box.
  1. If anonymous marking is being used, tick the Anonymous Marking box (check with HoS if unsure). Delegated Marking should not be ticked unless you wish to use it. If you do want to discuss using it, please contact
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. The grading options tab is expanded to reveal two options, enable anonymous marking and enable delegated marking.
  1. Display of Grades should be setup like this.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. The Display of Grades tab is expanded, the option to choose primary and secondary display of grades is shown, and three checkboxes: include in grade centre calculation, show to students in my grades, show statistics to students.
  1. Ensure the Availability settings are correct and click Submit.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Create Assignment page. The Availability tab is expanded, the make assignment available checkbox is ticked, and the date and time fields for display after and display until are populated. There is also an option to track number of views.
  1. The submission point is then created.
A screenshot of a Blackboard Assignment submission point on the Assessments page of a module site.
  1. Go to Full Grade Centre and click the chevron next to the item.
A screenshot of the Blackboard Assignment grade centre column, a red box highlights the grey chevron arrow next to the assessment title.
  1. From the list choose Hide from Students (on/off).
A screenshot of the grade centre column more options, a red box highlights the Hide from Students on or off menu.
  1. The column should now look like this.
A screenshot of a hidden Assessment in the Grade Centre Column.
  1. On the day you are releasing marks and feedback, you need to go to Grade Centre, click the chevron, choose Hide from Students (on/off), and the red line will disappear.
A screenshot of a visible Assessment in the Grade Centre Column.


You should now be ready to run your Blackboard Assignment. For further advice, contact the Digital Education team.