Assessment & Rubrics in Turnitin

13:00 -14:30


Outline of session: 

This session will cover a basic approach to assessment and rubric design as well as focusing on how to implement this through Turnitin, the set-up of assessments & options available, how students submit and how you can access these submissions once they have been made. It will provide an overview of the merits of using Turntitin for similarity checking and ease of submission. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • To understand the purpose of Turnitin and how it can be used to create assessments. 
  • To show how assessments and rubrics can be designed and implemented.  
  • To be able to set up assessments on Blackboard through Turnitin using the various options that you need to be aware of. 
  • To have an understanding of the student submission process. 
  • To understand how to access the submitted work. 

How to book

Bookings should be made through your MyView account, just log on and go to: 

  • My Training and Development. 
  • New Course Booking. 

You can search for the course by entering key words from the title.  Alternatively, if you select ‘Digital Education’ under ‘type’ and click the ‘search’ button, this will show you all of our courses. Please be aware that to book a course you first click on the title, then select the date. Once this is done, click book.