Surfacing the student voice: Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a simple way to gather students’ information live within the room. This can be used for multiple activities to share thoughts, debates and opinions as well as general knowledge tracking through quiz features. These activities become even more powerful when the data is then used to structure and develop further thinking within classes. An example of how this can be used in class can be found below.



  • Real-time responses allow students to see the immediate impact of their engagement.
  • Learning feels instantly relevant and tailored to the students’ opinions and experiences.
  • Encourages students to consider differing perspectives and lines of argument.
  • Allows you to gauge understanding or confidence levels in real-time and adapt the session accordingly.
  • Options for anonymity mean more students are likely to offer responses and honest opinions.
Using Poll Everywhere to gauge understanding and experience

Trevor Simpson (School of Health & Social Care) used Poll Everywhere in two different yet complimentary ways within his teaching. The first saw the app embedded as part of a classroom or lecture activity in order to generat real-time interaction between the students and lecturer. This allowed for the identification of areas that students found challenging, which they could then focus on with the subsequent section of the session. The second application used Poll Everywhere to evaluate the content and format of the lesson to inform improvement in teaching and learning practice.

Showcase | Trevor Simpson – Dynamic Teaching with Live Response | Web