Resources Hub

Embedding LinkedIn Learning content in Blackboard

Linkedin Learning can be added inside of blackboard either as a full course or via a curated playlists (URL).

Embedding a collection inside of a Blackboard Module

  1. First, visit your collection by click on the ‘In Progress’ from the main menu bar. Then click collections.
  2. Click share
  3. Choose your level of visibility. Click share with: and choose who you would like this content to be available for. We recommend choosing University of Lincoln for students.
  4. Click copy to copy the URL address.
  5. Access the module site on Blackboard that you would like to share the video on.
  6. Edit mode must be on to add content Blackboard
  7. Select Build content > Web link
  8. Fill in the details of your Web Link. This includes the name, URL, description and any attachments (such as practice files or supporting documents). You can also specify the date and time that this content will be available to pre-plan release of content to your students.
  9. Click ‘submit’ to add the playlist link to your module