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Exporting Attendance in Microsoft Teams

Whilst students being taught in timetabled online sessions should continue to use the University of Lincoln’s central Registering System, Microsoft Teams also allows instructors to obtain an attendance report from each online session to understand when students joined and left the meeting.

Reporting during a Meeting

Instructors can download an attendance report at any point during the online teaching and learning session.

  1. Firstly, locate and click on the ‘People’ icon in the Microsoft Teams meeting toolbar (located at the top of the meeting window).
Screenshot of in meeting option with 'people' option highlighted in red box.
  1. In the People pane, locate the three-dots icon in the top right-hand corner and click this to reveal additional options.
  2. From the menu, select ‘Download attendance list’. This will initiate the download of the current attendance information as a .CSV file to your computer.
  1. Once the download is complete, navigate to the ‘Downloads’ folder on your device. You will find the .CSV file containing the attendance list. You can open this file using Microsoft Excel.

Reporting after your Meeting

Once the meeting has ended, you can access the attendance report in the following ways:

In the meeting invite

Locate the meeting in your Microsoft Teams Calendar. When you open the calendar item you will find an Attendance tab at the top of the page.

This will provide detailed information for each individual attendee as well as some overview data such as the meeting duration and the average attendance time by user.

You can download this report to your computer.

Screenshot of option to download attendance report in .csv format

If your Microsoft Teams meeting is a re-occurring item that takes place each week for example, you will be able to select which instance (date and time) of the meeting series you wish to report on.

In the meeting chat

After approximately five minutes from the meeting’s conclusion, a tile labelled ‘Attendance report’ will appear in the meeting chat. Click on the tile to initiate the download of the .CSV file containing the attendance report.

Screenshot attendance available in the meeting chat after the meeting

By following these instructions, you will be able to locate and access the attendance report in different scenarios, whether in the meeting invite, meeting chat, or scheduled channel meetings.