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Making a Site Visible to Students

This guide is aimed at module co-ordinators who are setting up their sites for the coming academic year.

Making a Site Available

The final step in preparing a site is to make it available to students. Once a site is made available, all enrolled students will see the site in their My Sites list on their Blackboard My Bb Sites page.

Important: If you do not complete this final step, students will NOT be able to access your site.

  1. Navigate to the ‘My Bb Sites’ section of the main Blackboard navigation.
  2. Locate the site you want to open.
  3. Click on the close button on the top right-hand side of the screen.
Screen image with a red box highlighting a closed button on the right hand side.
  1. On the close course section use the toggle button to make the course available.
  1. The course is now open to enrolled students
Screen section showing the closed course toggled and confirming the module is open to enrolled students.
  1. When you open the module, open will replace the original closed button at the top right of the screen.
Screen image with a red box highlighting an open button on the right hand side.

Note: The steps above can be repeated in reverse to make a site unavailable.